Monday, February 23, 2009

Anatomy of a Diamond

Basic Anatomy of a Diamond

Important parts of the diamond anatomy include facets, table,
diameteer, crown, culet, pavilion, girdle and depth.

It is useful to understand the anatomy of the diamond. Like a human
body, each part of the diamond has a specific name, and knowing these,
and having a working understanding of what each part contributes to the
diamond as a whole, will help to assist you in purchasing a beautiful

There are eight basic parts in the diamond anatomy. These are: Facets,
Table, Diameter, Crown, Pavilion, Girdle, Depth and Culet.


These are the flat planes that form the outer face of the diamond. Each
facet is angled, shaped and cut in order to produce a particular light
effect for the diamond and to most effectively reflect the inner
crystalline structure of the diamond. The facets are designed to allow
light to reflect off of, enter into, pass through and exit the diamond.
The arrangement of the facets is designed to allow light to enter
(normally through the table), refract within the diamond itself
(producing its "fire"), to exit the diamond (again, through its table)
as well as reflecting light directly off of the diamond's surface.

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