Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ruby Diamonds!

Be also aware that while a diamond is priced in great part based on its carat weight, it is not simply priced on the whole diamond weight. Diamonds are priced on a per-carat pricing system. This means that if a diamond is 3 carats, the cost of the diamond is based on the cost of each carat in the diamond added together, also known as the total carat weight. The cost per-carat is not stationary as you go up in carat size either. For example, if a one-carat diamond were priced at $7500 a carat, its total carat price would be $7500. One might think that a comparable diamond of two carats, with all other factors being equal, would also be $7500 per carat, with the total carat price being $15000. This is not the case. A diamond's per-carat price goes up exponentially based on the carat cost points on the diamond pricing report.

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