Monday, February 23, 2009

Emerald and Diamonds

Light Leakage

The term light leakage refers to the loss of light within the diamond. When properly cut, a
diamond will exhibit fire (resulting from the proper cut of the crown), brilliance (resulting
from the proper cut of the pavilion), and scintillation (resulting from the proper placement, or
symmetry and alignment of a diamond's facets). Scintillation is the actual play of light within
the diamond itself. Should any of the elements involved be cut incorrectly, resulting in poor
symmetry, poor brilliance, poor fire or a combination of the three, light will exit the stone at
one of the sides, rather than reflect and refract within the stone, exiting through the table.

Facet Shapes and Descriptions


The bezel facet is the name for 8 kite-like facets that are cut into the crown of a brilliant
round cut diamond.


This is a facet that has been angled with four sides so as to best create the brilliance and
luster of diamond. This type of facet is most commonly associated with the brilliant cut of


The next common type of facet is the long rectangular facet. This long facet is the facet that
one sees when looking at a step-cut diamond, such as an emerald cut. The long, wide plane created
by the use of the rectangular facet allows for a warm glowing play of light in and on the


The star facet is a triangular facet. There are 8 of these facets on a brilliant cut diamond and
they are found on the upper crown.

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